Master Kaleidoscope Artist: Steven Gray |
Fine Woodworking 1991: Kaleidoscope construction article by Steven Gray. |
Newsletters From Gray & Gray Woodwrights: |
Photographs of Steven Gray Interiors by Vince Cianfichi. Vince is looking for a Carousel 1 and a boxed set. Please contact webmaster if you know of one for sale. |
To continue your tour of the Modern Kaleidoscope Gallery, click here |
Museum Directory: To Go to any floor click on the floor desired. First Floor: Modern Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting further funding Second Floor: Toy Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting funding Third Floor: Antique Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting funding Fourth Floor: Kaleidoscope Related Artwork Awaiting funding Fifth Floor: Reference Materials and Administrative Offices Awaiting funding Sixth Floor: Kaleidoscope Hall of Fame Awaiting funding Museum Exit Awaiting funding |
Come again soon. Disclaimer: This museum is the sole property of the webmaster. It is intended to be a reference source for all kaleidoscope collectors. Please be aware we are discussing a form of art. While I will try to be as objective as possible, any artwork is more a matter of subjective tastes. To email webmaster: |