Modern Kaleidoscope Gallery |
Welcome to the Modern Kaleidoscope Gallery. Kaleidoscopes have been popular since they were invented in the early 1800s. In the late 1900s kaleidoscopes were rediscovered by talented artists. No longer were most kaleidoscopes made by scientific instrument makers. These talented artists have explored many new horizons in the kaleidoscope artform. We have seen new mirror systems, new object chambers, and new sculptural forms. Every year we see new things in the kaleidoscope world, but I think this period of explosive revolution reached an apex in the early 1990s. |
Most of the items shown in this gallery are from my personal collection. If an artist has a large room with many scopes and images shown it is a good indication that I have great respect for that artist. I feel that some great artists are underrepresented in my collection, so view my prior statement as a rule of thumb. Some artists are truly gifted and innovative, and these I have designated as Kaleidoscope Masters. I have tried to be very selective in giving out that title. Many artists that I have in my collection I consider near masters, and they may soon be elevated to the title of Kaleidoscope Master. To visit the gallery room for any artist, just click on their name. After you finish visiting their room(s), click on the link to return to this page. If you are an artist or a fan of an artist and you have some photos you would like to include in the museum, send a few jpegs to the museum director by clicking on the link at the bottom of this webpage. |
Museum Directory: To Go to any floor click on the floor desired. First Floor: Modern Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting further funding Second Floor: Toy Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting funding Third Floor: Antique Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting funding Fourth Floor: Kaleidoscope Related Artwork Awaiting funding Fifth Floor: Reference Materials and Administrative Offices Awaiting funding Sixth Floor: Kaleidoscope Hall of Fame Awaiting funding Museum Exit Awaiting funding |
Come again soon. Disclaimer: This museum is the sole property of the webmaster. It is intended to be a reference source for all kaleidoscope collectors. Please be aware we are discussing a form of art. While I will try to be as objective as possible, any artwork is more a matter of subjective tastes. To email webmaster: |